by Ruth Rendell
I'm a book snob. I admit that up front. And the main reason that I had until this point never picked up a Ruth Rendell is that I am inherently distrustful of the prolific. And can you really blame me? Maybe it's just jealousy (ok, it's definitely part jealousy), but a novelist who apparently publishes every three months does not scream quality. Sure, it can be done. I devour Stephen King and Ed McBain like handfuls of Werther's Originals, but for every King and McBain, there's a Lori Wick, or Danielle Steel, or god help us all, James Patterson, an author so utterly overflowing with contempt for his audience he is now writing books under his name by committee. For pity's sake, Barbara Cartland wrote 664 books, sometimes at the rate of twenty a year. I don't care who you are, you can't create quality work on that scale.*
Sadly, Rendell found her way onto my snobbish little list, this despite her winning pretty much every major mystery award available. So it was with unfathomable tentativeness that I picked up Portobello. This was a stand-alone novel, not a part of her ongoing Inspector Wexford mystery series, so I figured I might not be too lost in references to past events.
Once again, my snobbishness has proved unfounded. Portobello is not a perfect novel by any means, but it displays an assurity of craft and ambition at vast odds with my assumption that Rendell was another, well, Patterson, or Nora Roberts, or Nicholas Sparks. My bad.

And there is also Lance, the young louse who tries to claim the money, and then decides that Eugene represents point zero for his imagined life as a top-flight burglar. Lance also has problems; he lives with his religious zealot uncle, and he's under the gun (literally) to pay for his ex-girlfriend's dental work after he drunkenly assaulted her.
There's a lot of possibilities for mystery here, although that expectation is largely based on Rendell's reputation. Part of the initial thrill of reading Portobello is wondering when the mystery will actually start. Again, my bad, as Portobello is a psychological character study first and foremost.
This is a novel of secrets, of psychoses small and large that haunt both the best and worst of humanity. Eugene has a shameful (to him) addiction to low-calorie sweets. Joel has been blamed by his father for a family tragedy that his ripped his life in two. Lance finds in his illegal sojourns to homes of the wealthy a world that he cannot understand but craves all the more. These people, all damaged, wander throughout the pages of Portobello as Rendell delicately reveals the creepy delusions and urges that make up the psyches of the lonely and desperate.
Rendell has an astounding talent at place and setting, manifesting a section of London in all its vibrant and seedy glory. Her Portobello Road is menacing yet comfortable, a neighbourhood where the classes mix with familiarity and surface friendliness, yet where there exists a simmering undercurrent of unease.
It may be unfair to complain that very little occurs in Portobello. Plenty does, but it is only in retrospect that the reader comprehends the novel's many facets. Rendell's presentation, so subtle and understated, drives home the novel's tension and its themes of unspoken desires and the quiet madness that grips us all. It is no small accomplishement to write small; Portobello is a novel about the space between action and reaction, and Rendell fills the space with desperate longing.
But Portobello, as fine as it can be at points, cannot completely sustain itself through inaction. Eugene, arguably the central character, is sadly the least believable and therefore Portobello's weakest link; his inner dilemma of sweets vs. romance is too inherently silly to fit comfortably next to the bleakness of the other characters' lives. It's an interesting situation, but the story comes crashing to a halt whenever Eugene reappears.
But Portobello has once again proven to me that my snobbishness can lead to devestating loss. Rendell is clearly a fine, fine writer, and I will gladly delve into her other works. And I will definitely peruse the works of Georges Simenon, another crazily prolific author. But not Roberts, Patterson, Sparks, or Wick; never again.
*NOTE: For an entertaining look at the perils and pitfalls of the prolific, please read British novelist Geoff Nicholson's piece "Can't. Stop. Writing." at the New York Times Book Review.
I had similar thoughts about Rendell but then I read The Chimney Sweep's Boy last year and found it very impressive. I was pretty optimistic about this one and wondered how the envelope of cash would trigger the narrative but although competent I was put off by the snobbishness of the writer. Although she seems to dislike pretty much all the characters (who's your favourite?) she paints the working class is such drab colours that it's hard to care what happens to any of them.
Your review is great, I've read this piece a while back and I remember feeling a little puzzled in terms of what to think about it.
I similarly haven't read any other Ruth Rendell, and I was entirely unimpressed this book. Eugene's obsession with his sweets was ridiculous, and the amount of time devoted to describing how wonderful they were made me feel I was wasting my life. The other characters are relatively believable, but nothing happens so it doesn't really matter. The descriptions of the area around Portobello Road, including naming every single street that each character traverses, sounded like a foreigner trying to impress us with knowledge of the area, adding nothing to the story. A flat, slow, unbelievable, poorly worded and ultimately depressing example of how not to write a book.
Well, agree to disagree then.
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