Oct 2, 2009

Critical Monkey! Update the 3rd

I was lazy this month. That, and terrified of another Meyer/Norris combo. There's only so much one man can take!

Check here for the rules if you're intrigued. And now, the third wave:

(seven reviews)

Depression (six reviews)

Anger (five reviews)

Guilt (four reviews)
Lori L
Shock (one review)

So, that's where we're at, one quarter of the way through this experiment in madness. My hats off to the survivors. Steve, I notice, is going full out on the highbrow. I don't think I've ever known someone to finish Stephen Hawking's book.

But I feel we need a little incentive, a little push, to thank you for all your hard work. So, for the next update, I will be offering to one lucky member of this hard-working team a copy of Douglas Coupland's newest novel Generation A. And maybe a second novel, we'll see.

So, as we enter into the second quarter, all I can advise is to persevere. You'll be the better person for withstanding the torment.

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