Apr 11, 2008

Booking Through Thursday challenge, April 10, 2008

Booking Through Thursday is a literary-themed blog with a new challenge for its readers every (you guessed it) Thursday. Why Thursday? Why is the sky blue? Some things are not meant to be known.

This week's challenge has caught my eye, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

  • Pick up the nearest book. (I’m sure you must have one nearby.)

  • Turn to page 123.

  • What is the first sentence on the page?

  • The last sentence on the page?

  • Now . . . connect them together….(And no, you may not transcribe the entire page of the book–that’s cheating!)

My nearest book is Matt Ruff's terrific Bad Monkeys (What can I say? I'm a sucker for novels with Monkey in the title - see also: Chip Kidd's The Cheese Monkeys).

First sentence: So Phil's like: "The cat wasn't enough?"

Last sentence: The pictures were practically life-size, at least it seemed that way, and each one had a caption: MILES DAVIS MONROE, AGE 16 - the 16 was flashing in red - JORDAN GRAHAM, AGE 17, VICTOR TODD, AGE 17, NICHOLAS MARTINESCU, AGE 16, et cetera, et cetera.

Here we go:

So Phil's like: "The cat wasn't enough?" And I'm all: "As if!" I mean, would the cat be enough for you? I suppose some teens might find solace in a furry bundle of indiscriminate love, but not me. No, Friday nights were not made for quiet movies with felines and popcorn. Fridays were designed for the release of everything that has beaten you down Monday thru Thursday. Fridays were parties, drinking, schmoozing, and all else in between. I would not be alone tonight. Let Phil have his cat, I've got a life.

I checked my Facebook Friends list for some potential date mates. My screen blinked my choices. The pictures were practically life-size, at least it seemed that way, and each one had a caption: MILES DAVIS MONROE, AGE 16 - the 16 was flashing in red - JORDAN GRAHAM, AGE 17, VICTOR TODD, AGE 17, NICHOLAS MARTINESCU, AGE 16, et cetera, et cetera.

Well, that was fun. But seriously, read Bad Monkeys, it's a twisted good time. And far better than what I just wrote.

1 comment:

James Redekop said...

My nearest book was Carl Sagan's The Varieties of Scientific Experience, a collection of his Gifford Lectures.

First sentence: Very good to have four limbs that can hold onto trees. (Keeping with the monkey theme!)

Last sentnce: And so it is in that sense and in that sense alone, I believe, that it makes sense to talk about such an affinity between advanced beings and ourselves.

These go together quite nicely!

Very good to have four limbs that can hold onto trees. And so it is in that sense and in that sense alone, I believe, that it makes sense to talk about such an affinity between advanced beings and ourselves.

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